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Happy Mother’s Day!

14th March 2021

My Mother's Secret

Happy Mother’s Day! I had hoped to spend today being spoilt with prosecco and cake in some nice cafe – but I’m grateful that my family are healthy and safe at the moment, and spending time with them, no matter what, is the best Mother’s Day present.

All four of my psychological thrillers are about our relationship with our mothers in one way or another. They’re about the fierce love our mothers have for us but how sometimes love isn’t enough to protect us.

My Mother’s Secret – if Stella finds out what her mother is hiding, the family will be ripped apart.

The Stolen Child – can Zoe stop her adopted daughter from being taken by her biological parent?

One Year Later – Amy’s daughter drowned. Is a family member responsible?

Bone by Bone – when Laura tries to protect her daughter from a bully, she makes one small mistake – and now he’s after revenge.


I hope you all stay safe.



I’m an award-winning thriller & nature non-fiction writer. I teach writing to people who want to be published.